Thinking back to Haiti

Two years ago this morning, I woke up in Haiti with only five familiar faces there to guide me. I left on the mission trip hoping to not only help the people of the village but to also gain a better handle on myself, all in the name of Trying to Be a Better Person.

(For more on the trip, visit Secret Haitian Man).
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Helping Haiti

You truly can’t imagine the poverty.

Inside Port-au-Prince, buildings seem to be stacked upon buildings, all of them almost architectural marvels as you wonder how they stay standing. People flood the streets, begging for change, trying everything they can for a dollar, a quarter, anything.
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So … there I’ll be

I’ll be going on a brief hiatus from So … There I Was while I travel to Haiti on a mission trip. For those of you who check this page regularly, I thank you for your support and interest and encourage you to continue to do so (and feel free to tell friends, family, neighbors, enemies). In the meantime, I ask you to follow my trip on a special blog I’ve created: Secret Haitian Man. There, I’ll be posting pictures and thoughts on the trip, the people, the places and basically anything of note that happens. I hope to use my time away as a chance to really focus my energy on some writing (well, in addition to the regular “mission” work), so I hope you will stay in touch through the blog.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you back here soon.