Dear Powell County: Congratulations, and thank you!

Listening to WSKV for the latest Election Night results.

One week ago today (almost this exact instant), Powell County voters gave an overwhelming message: we believe in James Anderson as the best leader for our future.

I couldn’t agree more (see this post for details).
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Dear Powell County: James Anderson is the best choice for judge-executive

I’m using my blog today to share a guest column my cousin Chris Nolan submitted to the Clay City Times in support of James Anderson for Powell County judge-executive. I’m asking my Powell County friends to take a few minutes to read (or perhaps re-read) what Chris has to say, then help share the message by posting the link on your own Facebook page, blog, Twitter account, skywriting message or whatever form of social media you have available.

I’ve known James since the mid-1980s and really got the chance to bond with him as we both sat on the end of the bench for the Powell County freshman and junior varsity basketball teams when we were freshmen and sophomores. At that time, much of our talks focused on one of three things: 1. how much we hated sitting on the bench; 2. which cheerleaders were the prettiest; 3. which schools’ locker rooms were the best.
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Politics can bring out the idiot in most everyone

Like millions of Americans today, I voted.

Like millions of Americans today, I’m tired of the 2010 election.

In Kentucky, particularly in Central Kentucky, specifically in Georgetown, things got nastier than ever before, as candidates both national, state and local slung mud with the enthusiasm and accuracy of feces-slinging monkeys.
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